April 3, 2020
Wildcat Family,
I hope this finds you well.
My name is Nick Reeves, and I am humbled and thrilled to be the new Head of School for New Braunfels Christian Academy!
Our fa...
March 25, 2020
March 24, 2020
Dear Students, Parents, and Staff
We are doing our best to keep you informed during this rapidly evolving situation involving the coronavirus (COVID-19) pand...

February 26, 2020
After a long process and with the help of our selection
committee, the Board and Admin Team unanimously agreed on the candidate who was
clearly God's choice for the position. I ...
February 8, 2020
We had an awesome worship time this last week at Chapel. Kids worshiping Jesus is a great sight to see.

February 5, 2020
Thank you for your sweet treats on this cold day in Texas. We are grateful for all the little ways we get blessed by our school families.

January 15, 2020
Thank you PTO and 2nd grade families for the many snacks and drinks. You all are wonderful! Darren for all of us.

January 6, 2020
We all jumped on a bus and took the very windy road up to the Morin household and retreat center for lunch and fellowship. What a beautiful day to have lunch up there with incred...

December 9, 2019
Do you love Jesus? Do you love kids? Do you have a few hours each afternoon? NBCA is looking for a loving Christian to supervise children in Extended Care at the elementary cam...

November 18, 2019
Kindness is so important! That is why we are grateful to Monica Elrod for putting together these events to teach the concept so that students are reminded to practice it at schoo...

October 31, 2019
The mission of New Braunfels Christian Academy is
to glorify God by partnering with parents within a Christ-centered community to
instill a biblical worldview in students by ed...

October 30, 2019
Protect a Day is in full force! Your can sign up for a sponsorship by picking one of several Memorable Dates or simply by making a DONATION to the Security Fund.
October 18, 2019
King and Country God Only Knows Love this video, love the story that it shares and the love of Christ that it points out! Be encouraged today that God knows exactly what you ar...
October 18, 2019
1st quarter has ended
and 2nd quarter has begun! Believe it or not, we are
already into to the 2nd quarter. Report cards for 1st - 5th have been
sent out via e-mail t...
September 5, 2019
Grandparents Day This fun school event is rapidly approaching. It will take place on Thursday, September 26 th . For your advanced planning, Grandparents of Prek – Kinder st...