College and Academic Office
To Inform and Guide your Student to keep them on track for College Readiness.

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The New Braunfels Christian Academy faculty and staff seek to help students realize the plan God has for their lives. We recognize the importance of equipping students with the knowledge, tools, and support they need to be successful in high school and beyond.
Academic Advising - The Academic & College Advisor offers individualized course, graduation, and college advising to 8th grade and high school students, encouraging them to take the most rigorous set of courses that fulfill NBCA and college entrance requirements.
Testing - Students take standardized tests beginning with the PSAT and Pre-ACT in their eighth, freshman, sophomore, and junior years, respectively. We recommend that all students take the College Board SAT and ACT in their junior year.
College Selection and Application - Through various in-class seminars, individual counseling sessions, and group meetings, parents and students are given information about colleges and the application process. College admissions representatives are brought on campus throughout the year.
Scholarship Search - Students are provided with websites and lists of national, state, local, and university-specific scholarships and are given assistance in applying.
College Visit Tips
The spring semester is an excellent time for sophomores and juniors to schedule college visits.
College websites are a wealth of information. Read about the schools you are considering.
Smaller colleges may arrange individual appointments. Larger colleges will have set times for group tours and sessions.
Don’t show up on campus unannounced. Visit the college’s website in advance to discover appointment and tour information. "Demonstrated interest" is an important piece to the college admission process.
Remember the purpose of a site visit is for you to get information and a feeling for the university. Prepare questions so you will be ready for your visit.
You have to GO to KNOW!
Class Ranking
New Braunfels Christian Academy is a non-ranking school, only reporting top 10% rank for Texas state schools. It is not equitable to compare students by rank in a small private school to those in a larger school. Please review the NBCA student handbook for specific guidelines. Therefore, for the purpose of college scholarships and applications, the following scale is being used:
4.0 Grading Scale
Honors adds 0.5 to the 4.0 scale
AP, Dual Credit and Dual Enrollment add 1.0 to the 4.0 scale
For more information, contact:
Michelle Miller, Academic and College Advisor