Grandparents Day   This fun school event is rapidly approaching.  It will take place on Thursday, September 26th.  For your advanced planning, Grandparents of Prek – Kinder students are invited to the classrooms at 9am while Grandparents of 1st – 5th grade students are invited to attend the Grandparents Day Chapel at 10:30am.  The PTO will have light refreshments and goodies for visitors.  This is a half-day for elementary students; Secondary students will have a full-day schedule.  

Pay for a Day   This program was started at NBCA a few years ago and was received well, however, over the years it has fallen by the wayside.  We are trying to revive the idea!  So if you would like to come alongside to support the school in this creative way, please see the attachment with more information and/or contact Kevin Boston, our Development Director at  

Fundraising Recently, a school family reached out to NBCA about how they can partner with the school through their business – namely giving some of the proceeds of sales toward the school; and we have been talking about exactly where to designate these funds.  Be it a little or a lot, what a blessing!  I will mention a conversation I had with a former teacher that had been in the public school system for years.  She recalled the financial backing they had through the state - their district had passed a grant that awarded them $5 million toward their STEM (science) program.   Wowsers!  We simply do not have that type of backing in private Christian education as many families make a significant sacrifice just to attend.  But I also want to say that God is faithful and has used other means, aside from state funding, to build up NBCA in different ways.  I am grateful to see how God has done this through our generous families and PTO over the years.  

If you are interested in partnering in a similar way or have a passion to support the school in some area, please let us know.   In case you were wondering, here are some of our bigger elementary school needs: 1. Completing the security gate, 2. Renovating the gym, 3. Updating the phone paging system, 4. Updating the smaller playground area and 5. A QLED 8K Samsung tv for the principal’s office.  

Volleyball Spirit Shirts These shirts are for sale in the office for $14.  The office ladies describe them as “super soft and super cute.”   What else needs to be said?  By the way, the Varsity girls volleyball team is really good!  I would encourage you to come out to watch them play as they are likely headed to state again.  

Bus Drivers  Yes, we could use another bus driver or two!   Each school year we have many field trips and sometimes other shuttling activities whereby we need a bus driver.   Currently, we only have a few to choose from and one of those is a full-time teacher and coach.  So, if you or somebody you know might be interested, please let us know.

Take Your Parent to PE Week This event is scheduled for the evening of Tuesday, October 1st.   It is designed to give parents the opportunity to sample the physical education program at NBCA.  It is also a nationally sponsored event.  Come ready not just to watch but to do PE with your child!   Look for more detailed information coming home with students. 

NBCA app  Have you downloaded it yet?  After sending out this newsletter via e-mail, I will also send it out via the “LIVE FEED” function through the app.  I would love to have your feedback with these different avenues of communication.  

Traffic Changes in Loop 337  With the new lanes being opened along the loop, please be aware that if you are leaving from Ridgehill (from the neighborhood) onto the loop, you can no longer make a left-hand turn.  There is a small sign but please be mindful and careful!

Visitors at lunch  The office has made a change such that the swipes will no longer be handed out to visitors as they have tended to wander off.   Instead, we will make arrangements to unlock the necessary interior doors.